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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Jewish Matchmaking

Jewish Matchmaking

Using the Advantages of Online Dating Sites to make

Meeting Women EASY

There are tremendous Dating advantages to using an Online Dating Site (as I discussed in my previous article Jewish Matchmaking ). Some of the leading advantages are:

-Today's online dating environment, is FULL of high-quality, fun, sexy, attractive women! And strangely enough, women you would NOT be able to meet, anyplace else...

-Online dating is the only place, where women approach YOU!

-There's much LESS pressure! Unlike an in-person approach (where you are under heavy pressure to come up with "great lines on the spot"), when you approach online, you can take lots of time to think about your reply.

-HUGE numbers! There are literally THOUSANDS of hot girls online, at dozens of Online Dating Sites - and you can talk to dozens of them simultaneously!

-NO REJECTION! (Personally, I like this one a lot.) Approaching a hot girl in person, who you've never met before - is tough! But doing it from behind the "protection" of your computer screen - is a breeze...

Finally, the BEST advantage: You can easily out-perform your "competition" - IF you know the "secrets"... the Secrets that 99% of guys online have NO CLUE about!

So what are these Secrets? Well, there are many of them, but the key ones are:

1) Knowing how to present yourself (your online "profile" and your offline "style"), in a way that gets tons of women to approach YOU!

2) Knowing how to approach a woman (offline and online), that insures she will REPLY.

3) How to turn your pickup (offline and online), into a phone number.

4) How to turn a phone number, into a date.

5) And how to turn a date, into a HOT evening!

Knowing the Secrets to using Online Dating Sites effectively, is what puts you far ahead of all the other guys. Using just One of these Secrets, will place you at the "head of the line", when SHE decides which guy's email to reply to. But when you know ALL the Secrets - that's when you become the Man, who gets first-shot at the Mega-Beauties! (You know... the ones you see on every search of an Online Dating Site - who post those outrageously HOT photos of themselves!!)

To find out how *I* learned these Secrets, look for my next articles - with ALL the details! Or if you’re in a hurry, you can just read this...

Read more FREE articles on Jewish Matchmaking, plus Dating, Relationships, and how to Pickup Girls in general: Jewish Matchmaking